Blog Post
Kuragraceministries would like to welcome you! Knowing the one and only true God, praising him, and following his ways is a good thing. No one wants to be fooled in any way, thus men seek the truth. We are always on the lookout for the true significance of whatever we come across.
Men are on the lookout for directions; getting lost is never fun. Nobody wants to get lost in the middle of a significant journey, especially one as essential as life. Men want to know how to please an implacable deity they know exists, but they’re clueless about how to serve him. Men desire to live. We don’t want to die, no matter how exhausted we are of this planet. We crave life and the possibility of a better existence. It’s a promise of something better than what we have now. All of these are found in God, the creator of the heavens and the earth. The all-powerful God who is the source and sustainer of all life. In this blog we shall continue to learn the ways of God Almighty. We shall continually increase in knowledge by the studying of the word of God. The articles you’ll find here are Spirit-breathed and designed to help us better comprehend who God is and grow in faith as we walk with him.
Many of us, like Moses, require a meeting with God in order to be convinced of who we are and what we have been given. Considering Moses’ encounter with the burning bush, there are several fundamentals we can learn here that will aid us on our faith journey and make us as firm as Moses was till the end of his relationship with God.
“But Moses said to God, ‘Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?’
And God said, ‘I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.’
Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”
God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”
God also said to Moses, ‘Say to the Israelites, ‘The LORD, the God of your fathers – the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob – has sent me to you.’
‘This is my name forever, the name you shall call me from generation to generation.’’
- Exodus 3:11-15 NIV
Our God is as magnificent as the adjective “magnificent” suggests, if not more so. It was an amazing event for the disgraced prince who would soon become the prophet by whose hand the people of Israel would reclaim their freedom when he encountered Moses in the burning bush.
Moses was just a married man with little or no plans for a spectacular life when he met God, but after God met him, he became the one who would deliver the Israelites from Egypt, standing face to face with the cruel monarch Pharaoh. An encounter with the true living God was marked with a supernatural phenomenon; the burning bush. This has become a widely known story both in the Christian circle and even to those alien to the faith. The God who is all-powerful can do anything, including making fire lose its potency.
Three things we learn from this encounter of the burning bush:
- A promise was made of deliverance;
- A God was revealed; the true living God;
- A covenant was established;
Initially, God had to modify Moses’ mentality. God had to make a reassuring promise to him because he was clearly too timid and feeble-hearted for such a duty. “I will be with you,” God promised. But, if God hadn’t backed it up with a manifestation, this word would only be worth so much; Moses’ hand was leprous and was quickly cured by God’s power. This strengthened Moses’ faith when God promised to deliver the people, and Moses had no reason to doubt when God replied, “When you have brought the people out.”
Then, the living God who had been forgotten by many in their days of suffering and hardship was revealed to Moses again. God said, “I AM WHO I AM”; powerful! He claims to be precisely who he is and that he hasn’t changed since Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob met him. His ways are timeless, and his words may be trusted.
Finally, God and his people [those who will come to know and serve him] will make a covenant. Every generation will celebrate his name; this indicated that God’s people would never become extinct, and their God, the I AM, would reign eternally with his people residing in his love and embrace. The huge I AM is God. His person and the glory of his authority are inexhaustible. By his mighty hand, he continues to save us today and forever, and no one can stand up to him and win . Make a date to join us here every day as we explore the revelation of the magnificent God we worship. Today, he is still the I AM!